Jersey Pizza Tale



As I was going on my way to the Jersey shore for a swim, I thought of staying on point with my diet and food that, I packed with me for lunch. I am imbued by making dishes with taste, specially for my main course. So, I carried with me a great mushroom salad with a cashew cream, my wife made and a red  apple. New Jersey is famous for its great pizza taste. Therefore, wherever I go I know my 3 ways to enjoy pizza without gaining weight formula. However, lately I have noticed Italians aren’t owning those places anymore in NJ. And rather are owned by other restaurant entrepreneurs, which quite frankly made the pizza taste differently. My concept of exercise and eat healthy has prevailed for decades, but pizza is my weakness.

The Swim

Finally I arrived to the shore and begin swimming on the ocean. Jersey shore is a beautiful place to swim, unlike the caribean the water is cold and the current is hyped with tall waves. The waves give you an extra work out, as you need to balance your body as you swim and makes it harder  to breath. One  hour swim in a pool turn to be a 20 minute swim in the ocean. Therefore, I stopped, and go, constantly to catch some air, but finished my hour swim. Later hungry and thirsty, start munching on my red apple, and sipping water. Watching the waves intensified and the water moving faster to the edges. It is time to dry out and go for a walk to the boulevard.

The Pizza encounter

As I am walking on the board walk, a tall built man on his 50’s wave at me with a smile. Italian looking guy, with a smile and an inviting attitude walks into a pizzeria!. I glanced at it once and noticed is packed, with people enjoying big slices of cheesy pizza. I finally came inside, and decided to forget my mushroom salad, and buy 3 giant slices of white cheese pizza. I bit the first sliced and saw stars in one second, the pleasure was entrenched in me for minutes on each bite!. The inveterate tradition of eating pizza in New Jersey quickly hit me. I enjoyed 3 slices of melting cheesy pizza, and cheat on my vegan pledge. But the satisfaction of enjoying real crusty pizza once more stayed with me. I thought I abrogated the pizza habit, but that summer day of 2019 at the Jersey shore, I reconciled with pizza and had no regrets.

3 Ways to eat pizza without gaining a pound!

a) Eat fiber before your pizza day. Apples, oatmeal, pomegranates, cashews, almonds

b) Load up on water all day. 80 percent of our bodies is made up of water, thus, by hydrating yourself constantly your chances of getting hungry minimize, because you will feel, full and satisfied.

c) Do cardio activity before you eat pizza, your body becomes ready for a high carbohydrate foods and the calories ingest at the worse will replaced the calories you burned.


Pizza is in our culture, whether we eat it everyday, every week, month or year. We will never abrogate the thought of a slice once in a while; vegan,vegetarian, or with  meat;  pizza is in our DNA. Put some work at the gym, or outdoor exercise activity before you eat it. Drink plenty of water, And eat lots of fiber before your pizza treat day.

Check our last recipe on vegan tacos 




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