most delicious vegan tacos recipe


Mouthwatering vegan tacos recipe!

This recipe is a winner, if you like Mexican food, whether you are a vegan or not, this recipe is worth to take a look at. Spicy, juicy and with everything in it, to keep you full!. Best of it this recipe is very low sodium, zero cholesterol, and gluten free. Vegan tacos recipe you will never tell they are meatless!. We added non processed, non gmo, texture soy bean, for the extra flavor. The soybean looks like ground beef, without that weird bloody taste of course. the shocking part is when you eat them out,  you will never tell they were meatless!

3 reasons why you should consider becoming a vegan

1- According to “our world journal”, every time you stay on a plant based diet, you are helping to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions from food production as well as habitat destruction due to land clearing for agriculture around the world.

2-The  future of fresh water is under threat, so why are we wasting so much to produce animal products?

Although the surface of our planet is predominately water, only three percent of it is fresh, and two thirds of that is held in frozen glaciers  or otherwise unavailable. Already 1.2 billion people live in areas of water scarcity, and as the climate changes. That number is set to raise. We must not waste that precious, life sustaining resource. And that is exactly what we do every time we are consuming animal products. Globally, agriculture uses 70 percent of all available water, and the thirstiest kind of all is animal farming.

3-You reduced pollution: one of the environmental problems associated with farming animals is the waste they produced. When small scale farming produced small amounts of slurry, it could be applied to the land as fertilizer, now that are billions of farm raised animals in the planet, the amounts produced are gargantuan, and it cannot easily be disposed of. instead this fermenting manure is stored in immense tanks and lagoons from where it all too often leaks out. once in the waterways, it causes devastation, to aquatic wildlife, tens of thousands of miles of rivers in the us, Europe and ASIA RE POLLUTED WITH SLURRY EACH YEAR!

ps-visit our site if you wished more information, about our plant base diet plans

check our last article on 12 ways to improve your diet in 12 weeks!




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