Get rid of your sciatic nerve pain In 3 simple steps!


Rockaway NJ Sciatic Pain Holistic Treatment

To offset and cure sciatic pain is important that we first understand What is sciatic nerve pain. A low back pain condition that radiates downward into the left or right buttock into the leg, and sometimes into the foot, in some cases the pain can be excruciating, and while may be hard to believe sciatic nerve pain goes away after approximately 3 months with a holistic treatment, meaning no invasive and at times can be done at the comfort of your own home!.

Many chiropractors and therapists use therapies that most times address symptoms and in most cases the pain is gone after some of these treatment. A relief is given to the person, and the problem goes away temporarily. I STRIFE WITH THE SO CALL HOLITIC NON INVASIVE TREATMENT COMMUNITY OVER THIS‘, because the lack of understanding of muscles that are key factors on the recovery and cure of this condition is zero to none on these professionals, thus I decided to write more about this issue and help readers understand how this needs to be approached and directed.

Obturator Internus

This is a key muscle that is situated partly with the lesser pelvis and partly at the back of the hip joint. It functions to help laterally rotate femur with hip extension and abduct femur with hip flexion, as well as to steady the femoral head in the acetabolum.

Obturator externus

The obturator externus performs a few different actions. It externally rotates the femur when the hip is extended, but when the hip is flexed it actually abducts the thigh. Together with other short muscles around the hip joint contributes to the joint stability.

Gemellus Superior

Is a small muscle in the posterio-lateral portion of the hip. It works with gemellus inferior and obturator internus to form the tricep coxae to externally rotate the hip. These 3 muscles also act as a deep stabilizers of the hip.

Exercises and remedies

This is the best part because now that you understand the causes, the pain and origin you can take a deeper approach greater than just stretching or ice it. You must strengthen these muscles consistently if you want the pain to go away.

Seated Hip Rotation

Knee pivot to opposite heel and flexing torso ‘see image. Perform 30 to 40 seconds side to side.

Supine Hip Rotation

Muscle focus: piriformis obturator internus and externus, quadratus femoris, gemellus superior and inferior.

Procedure: Lie flat on the ground with your knees flexed and the feet in the toes up position. Anchor the heels in to the ground and slowly pivot the oposite heel. The pivot points of the movement should be the heels alternate sides and complete 10 reps.

Side Line adduction

Muscle focus: Adductor mangus, gracilis, adductor longus, pectineus, adductor brevis.

Procedure: Line on the side with proper alignment. Brace the core and move the top leg into a hip flex position. Tighten the thigh of the bottom leg, pull the toe towards the shin and lift the leg of the ground just a couple of inches while maintaining extension of the bottom leg (see image) hold for a 2 sec count then repeat. Perform as many reps as can then switch legs.


Key is understanding these muscles and read these notes many times until you get familiar to these joints and perform these 3 exercises without pain. Make it a daily routine and don’t forget to use ice if the pain augments after eack movemet as is normal since your body is going through a flossing process and blood supply period on every joint. Your sciatic nerve pain will be gone and the muscles around the hips and glutes will move optimally!.

Read how to warm up properly before any sports activity to avoid injuries click here


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