Morris County NJ #1 Personal Trainer For Children

Children obesity in the US the horrific truth hidden from us


Morris County NJ #1 Personal Trainer For Children

More and more overweight children are coming to our clinic due to weight loss issues, as a result I have been able to identify reasons why it has become such an epidemy. The level of self-esteem on these kids is awful low, their bodies are completely a wreck, and their parents seem to be giving up as don’t know what to do. One of the problems is food labeling transparency, Doctors refused, don’t know or simply cannot address to parents food labeling issues on kids diets. Furthermore, parents are not looking for effective solutions, beyond pediatric consultations. Unfortunately this has spiraled down to a situation where no one wants to take responsibility and the only victims here are the children, who can’t decide on their own and don’t know better!

Sodium consumption

The levels of sodium on food are killing our children, according to the centers for disease control and prevention, US children eat an average of about 3300 mg of sodium a day before salt is added at the table. A high sodium diet can lead to high blood pressure. About 1 in 6 children ages 8-17 years has raised blood pressure. High blood pressure is a major factor for heart disease and stroke. Lowering sodium in children’s diets today can help prevent heart disease tomorrow, especially for those kids overweight.

Sugar Consumption on kids diets

Eating and drinking too much added sugar puts kids at risk of obesity, tooth decay heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and fatty liver disease among other heart problems according to the American academy of pediatrics.. Families should focus on drinks and foods that doesn’t have added sugars the AAP advices.

Sugar often is added to process package foods and drinks while they are being made or at the table.

Added sugar is easy to spot on food labels, many foods now list added sugars separately. You also can find added sugar by reading the ingredients. It comes in many forms, including brown sugar, corn sweetener, corn syrup, high fructose, honey dextrose, fruit juice concentrates, invert sugar, mart sugar, molasses, raw sugar, turbinado and ingredients ending in “ose”.

The solution

Finding a balance diet is key, kids should know when they can enjoy an apple pie or ice cream, as much as how to approach a healthy eating week. In my experience I have been successful by advocating rainbow dishes, everything from carrots, purple cabbage, piece of lean protein, quinoa etc. Milk shakes can be healthier as they are plenty of options, and they can always do it on almond milk bananas strawberries etc. You must find also a way to introduce snacks so they can have food they can be friendly with, that is also easy to eat and carry. Anything from low salt popcorn, apples, strawberries, vegan cookies, low fat ice cream, vegan ice cream, baby carrots, celery sticks.

Water Solution

Drinking water is another big part of it, water is such an elemental part for kids weight loss and often taken for granted. You must instill the habit early on. As water filters may contaminants from food keeps them hydrated, and is the best diuretic for children. My kids clients drink anywhere from 6nto 8 glasses of water without a problem!. THEY LEARN, to drink lemon water early before breakfast, like a cup of warm water with a squeeze lime, and continue the process of sipping water through out the day.

You must encourage this practice by making it clear to them that this will help them lose weight and stay healthy!

Pd-Check our last story on how to lose 30 lbs in just 6 weeks. A step by step guide with lots of applied methods!


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