Dynamic warm up and flexibility for sports performance!
Learn progressive warm ups and flexibility methods in a sequential order all essential for sports performance and injury prevention!
Learn progressive warm ups and flexibility methods in a sequential order all essential for sports performance and injury prevention!
Everything you need to know about warming up. Avoid injuries by learning how your body’s core temperature is influence by a concise warm up. How it affects your central nervous system, keeps you focus, healthy and injury free!
Benefits of stretching after 40! As an athlete I thought I was fairly flexible and limber for most of my…
Pilates Reformer, a must do activity, if you are serious about your health and fitness. All the benefits, explained, including, modalities, history, a brief look at the Master of all, Joseph pilates. Well research article and reccomendations. Worth reading story. And my first video on the pilates reformer. Happy reading!