Denville NJ Best One on One Private Training Clinic

Benefits Of Warming Up Before Your Workouts!


by shapes r in fitness

Denville NJ Best One on One Private Training Clinic

I have seen many misconceptions and practices when it comes to warming up, from most individuals, prior to begin an exercise routine. And although everyone should warm up differently, yet I have seen many people doing the same thing all over for warming up, before training. And after few weeks, they complained about knee pain, shoulder pain or an injured muscle, not knowing what happened. And always assuming that their warmup should have prevented the issue. Although warming up is necessary and effective to get your muscles ready before your workout there isn’t such as thing as (one size fits all). Let’s explore few ways in which you can engage your body into a safe warm up to get you ready for action:

Stimulate blood flow

Always remember that when you warm up, you always improving blood flow to muscles and warming up tissue, you usually want to do some form of low intensity work that prepares you for exercise. For example dynamic stretching is always better for your muscles, as you move repeatedly in different directions before your work out begins. Dynamic stretching can help to bring up your body’s cores temperature and allow you to warm up tissue, see some forms of dynamic warm up on the illustrations below.

Hamstring. To loosen up the back of your legs, stand with your feet on the ground and hinge at your hips, slowly bending over and then standing back up. Your legs should be straight, but don’t lock your knees.

Adductor to loosen up the inside of your legs, walk your feet out in a wide stand with your feet facing forward, and slowly lunge from side to side, your knee should not pass your toes, each time you lunge.

Warming up helps the brain, and improves concentration

Studies show that elevating your body’s temperature, during a warm up increases the sensitivity of nerve receptors, as well as the speed of nerve impulses, in other words it gets your whole body mind muscle nerves turn on, so that you are ready to go and give it your best during your workout. In other words a good warm up can improve mental health too. Therefore, warming up and exercise increase your relaxation, and concentration, which is helpful specially during the pandemic.

Warming up before your running routine

If you are planning to go for a run, a low intensity exercise that would properly warm you up, is a jog, a quick walk and some dynamic stretches are great. Aim for a warm up before your running of a 10 to 15 minute time, jumping jacks, stationary bike, or floor bicycles with your legs on the floor for a 50 reps sets, is usally the best. Think of your warm up activity as movement that slightly elevates, your heart rate and gets you working up a light sweat.


Always check with your Doctor before you start any exercise activity. Choose your warm up type wisely now that you have options, always carry with you a clean towel or shirt in case you need to loose up a calf muscle or hamstring. Take advantage of all the forms of warm up we explain and stay safe and healthy.

PS- Check our last related blog, on why you should stretch after 40 by clicking here


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