Denville NJ Fitness Specialist Reveals One Food You Should EAT 7 Days For Quick Weight Loss
Denville NJ Fitness Specialist shows you a key food To Lose weight fast

As of March of 2019 I held the record on weight loss control, in the whole NJ state. And I didn’t have to to do a survey to know, simply my clients came to see me after been checked with many other trainers who frankly understood nothing about how the body works for weight loss. And one trick I do with most of them on the first week, after signing for the tornado weight loss system was give them a bowl of acai berry everyday for 7 days. But wait, was not just the acai berry that make them lean quickly, was what we threw in the bowl, that make all the difference. Let’s analyze what acai berry does for your health, and what else you can add to make it a total fat burning nutritious food.
Acai Berry Benefits
Acai berry is native to the Amazon and is a Brazilian food. It came first to my attention by my buddies at the dojo where I practice Brazilian Jiujitsu. I fell in love with taste and texture. And after seen the benefits I promised myself to share this with everyone of the clients I trained at my gym.
This purple pulp contains lots of trace minerals including: including chromium, zinc, iron, copper, manganese, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. But some of the acai most powerful health benefits come from plant compounds. The most notable among those is anthocyanins, which gives acai berry their deep purple color and act as antioxidants in the body.
Acai berries contain healthy fats and low amounts of sugar, as well as many trace minerals and plant compounds, including anthocyanins.
How can you make acai a weight loss meal?
Simply add chia seeds, flax seeds, and papaya chunks.
Chia seeds: Contain quercitin an antioxidant that can reduce your risk of developing, several health condition including heart disease. But what is impressive about chia seeds and needed for weight loss is the high fiber content which can help you lose weight by improving digestion and lower your cholesterol levels.
Flax Seeds: Flax seeds is one of the world’s oldest crops, there are 2 types brown and golden, both of which are equally nutritious. Just one serving provides a good amount of protein, fiber and omega 3 fatty acids, along with several important vitamins and minerals. Flax seeds is particularly high in thiamine a b vitamin that plays a key roll in energy metabolism as well as cell function. It’s also a great source of cooper which is involved in brain development and immune health. But the greatest of all its benefits is the metabolism part, by just one table spoon a day you can boost your weight loss with it.
Papaya benefits: Papaya is low in calories and a good source of fiber, its compounds can promote a weight loss diet, if eat consistently, as the fiber content on the papaya fruit can decrease appetite and aid digestion. Papaya has an enzyme called papain, which can break down the tough protein chains found in muscle meat, eating papaya everyday can help reduce inflammation and improve digestion.
Acai berry should be put on your grocery list and add it to your diet you can use this blend given, with flax seeds, chia seeds and papaya, but other fruits may be great as well for weight loss. I am sure we comeback to this topic later on my blogs as acai berry is the king of kings when it comes to super foods to charge your health!.
PS- Do you want to know how to lose weight infusing your water with super fruits and plants? check this out here
Papaya benefits