Baños Con Jabones De Sal Pueden Limpiar Malas Energias Y Cambiar tu Dia
Todo lo que debes saber sobre los beneficios de jabon de sal, para remover vibraciones de otros que se impregnan en ti y hace que todo te salga mal! en mi nuevo blog Jose 11
Todo lo que debes saber sobre los beneficios de jabon de sal, para remover vibraciones de otros que se impregnan en ti y hace que todo te salga mal! en mi nuevo blog Jose 11
7 chakras y sus funciones, estructura y dinamismo. Estudiemoslos constantemente y definamos con cual de todos nos identificamos y su importancia en la fluides y energia de nuestras vidas con el universo.
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5 FACTORS THAT CAN INFLUENCE YOUR NEW YEAR’S weight loss RESOLUTION PROCESS POSITIVELY. And give an edge over anything else to attain your weight loss goals
How to resume to good health after the pandemic that paralyzed the world!. Learn how to go back into good health, safely and gradually, avoiding injuries, and sustaining a pace that will lead to a successful and permanent journey to health and wellness!
Recovering from covid 19, can be tiring, and confusing. This guide tells you everything you need to know in order to retake your fitness journey safely and sound!
Covid 19th Vaccine The Technology that made it possible Jason Mclellan an associate professor of molecular biosciences at university of…
The failing quest to the moon, the collapsing trials, the lies, the real truth about the red planet. The NASA views on space conquering, and Ellion Musk’s balk ON space landing research by China and Nasa. A must read story for space lovers and investors.
Pilates Reformer, a must do activity, if you are serious about your health and fitness. All the benefits, explained, including, modalities, history, a brief look at the Master of all, Joseph pilates. Well research article and reccomendations. Worth reading story. And my first video on the pilates reformer. Happy reading!
6 Unbreakable rules to get back in shape after confinement Jose Fuentes/ Jose fit zone founder/License Nutritionist No question that…
Is your gym shield from germs and viruses? Learn few things your gym should be using to fight viruses and viral diseases that can affect your health. If your health club isn’t taken the right approach, it may be time to talk to the management or switch to a proactive gym whose mission is to avoid viral diseases spreading across. JUST LIKE Shapes R In DOES!