Author: admin

We have bedeviled for long time GMOs in the U.S. Are we have a strong basis to charge against science and hinder the scientific world’s job to reproduce more food to help billions of people?
Are GMOs more risky than conventional foods?
Have they brought the autism rates, obesity and cancer up, as we heard everyday?
Find these and more answers on my most recent blog. GMOs friends or foes?

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Do you know that our bodies produce 1 to 2 litters of mucus per day? Mainly through the nose and throat. More than this could be leading to phlegm, sinus infections and more!.
Learn the symptoms of sinusitis and how to treat the causes. With these 8 powerful remedies ONLY FOUND AT JOSE FIT ZONE! Happy reading and don’t forget to share!.

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Any cancer patient or survivor will understand basic exercise rules of engagement. My 6 top fitness activities for any post cancer individual or cancer patient, will help them safely restore functionality and immune system strength. Medical community in the past years, had finally acquiesced to get patients involve on post cancer exercise specialized treatments. Please share if find blog helpful!..

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