Anti aging Water Exercises
Morris County NJ Aquatic Weight Loss
By Jose Fuentes/C.S.P.S./CN/CPT
Swimming has giving me an awesome sense of calmness. It has increased my endurance, cardiovascular health, and made me an overall stronger athlete. I have been helping clients to rehab, lose weight and increase mobility, through aquatic therapies. Aquatic therapies, have improved the health of many injured people. Personally I have been going to the pool steadfastly for over a decade. Without ennui or incertitude. Buoyancy, can make your muscles strong, flexible, and powerful. Water weight loss programs have also been a part of my program, Although, SOME INDIVIDUALS swim or do pool work outs for different reasons. I want to show you 7 top pool exercises, that I have integrated for weight loss, and rehab. These same exercises have kept me fast, strong, and flexible. But, best of all, they have helped my skin and muscle toning, as well as the recovery time my body usually takes in between sets at the gym. It has also helped my jiu-jitsu rounds when sparring and compete to last longer, and lastly helped my golf game a ton!. Okay; no bad for a 46 year old dude right?
1-Start with a small swimming routine. If you know how to swim, and have not been at the pool in a while. Start with a 10-20 minute routine, using all the strokes you know. It doesn’t matter how fast or slow you do it. The key is to make it to the pool 4 times a week for 20 minutes. If you don’t know how to swim, no worries at all. Start jogging across the pool in an area where you feel safe. jog and walk for 10, 20 minutes. Do lunges in the water, squats, leg kicks, and anything you can think of, that you feel safe with.
2-Use Multi-joint movements while in the pool. This is very important . Here you want to develop a routine, where you feel, that you are working all your body’s extremities. Such as: back muscles, inner thighs, glutes, etc. Walk laterally in the pool. Jump and land-squat, do lunges in different angles, such as the pictures below. Must be waking lunges. Side, back, front, diagonal. Or front kicks as shown in image below.
3-Do these 3 core exercises while in the pool:
Abdominal crunches: 20 reps and 2 sets (see picture below)

Morris County NJ water therapist
Noodle Plank: 30 seconds (see picture below)

morris county nj aquatic instructor
power squats (50 times)

morris county nj water exercises for men
4-Integrate a full gym routine at the pool:
1-Use the light dumbbells, and, on a standing position with arms under water; chest press 50 times.

morris county nj aqua aerobics
2-Bicep curls. And again with arms under water as on picture, Squeeze those arms to their full range of motion.

morris county nj aqua weight loss
3-Shoulder front raises. Use the water pressure once more and bring arms up and down as shown on picture. 50 times.

morris cunty nj water exercises for women
5-Side kicks. These will help you increased power on the hip rotators and flexors. Which in turn will add mobility and stability in your whole body.
6-Power your core!. push your body off the edge of the pool and comeback using your arms and legs of the floor. Keep your body afloat. This will increased power in your core and augment strength in your upper and lower body!.
7-Hip twisting with dumbbells. Hold dumbbells and twist your hips let-right in a continuous motion for 50 times as shown in image. Will help core and thighs.
Always consult with your physician before trying any of these exercises. If you find these helpful please share with friends and family. Click here, to read about best therapies for eye power!